Channel: vocalist – Under the Gun Review
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Forever My Love Lose Vocalist; Planning Hometown Show


Long Island’s Forever My Love have been one of the most talked about underground acts of the last year, and it’s with sad hearts we come to you now to announce that vocalist Derek Dillon is planning to leave the band in the immediate future. A statement from Dillon explaining his decision to leave and what it means for the future of Forever My Love can be read below:

Hey All,

Its Derek here, I just wanted to take a moment to let everyone who may care about Forever My Love know what’s going on with the band.

As most of you may know, I started this band about 2 years ago and looking back on it, I did almost everything I had envisioned myself doing with this band. I got to play with some of the best musicians around and I have made friends for a lifetime. I got to travel, make friends with some of my favorite bands and work with some of the best people in the industry and I am extremely grateful for everything that I got to do as apart of the music industry. I would like to thank Frenchy over at Street Smart Mgmt, The century media family, Dave Shapiro for hooking us up with Andrew Wade and I would like to thank Kris Crummett for producing our last record. I would never have thought that I would have been able to do so much at my age and I will always be thankful for everything everyone has done for me and Forever My Love.

With that being said, I have decided to step down as the frontman of FML for the time being. People always think there had to be a huge fallout, but it’s not the case, those guys were some of my best friends before we started this band and they will remain my best friends regardless of my involvement with the band. I have some things that I need to put more time and effort into right now that isn’t music. Somewhere along the line, I lost the passion and I forgot why I started the band, I lost the fire that was needed to push the band and I don’t want to hold the band back. I just need to find myself and try and miss music a bit and try and rekindle that fire that got me so pumped to be involved in this wonderful, yet cut throat industry.

I can’t tell everyone enough how thankful I am with the amount of support this band has gotten! From fans at shows coming out, buying stuff and taking pictures with us, having us sign things..it meant the world and it still does! All the people online begging us to come to their areas to play, All you guys made it a great run for me. Im also very thankful that I can say that there are people who genuinely care about something that me and some friends created, we were far from a BIG band, but it was great making our mark, even if it’s a small one.

Forever My Love is far from dead, so be sure to keep checking in for news from them! they are working on a new record and from the sound, it will be groundbreaking. Thank You all again for your support and helping make my dream into somewhat of a reality! I will be playing one more show with FML and it will be a HOMETOWN SHOW IN LONG ISLAND! For the first time ever FML will play a home show, it will be my last show with the band. We all want to play home for once, mainly because we dont want to forget our roots or where we all came from before we got involved in everything that had nothing to do with being a long island but a band that was just from long island. So look out for FML’s first show in long island TBA!

it’s not goodbye, it’s I’ll see you later!

Much Love,

No replacement for Dillon has been announced at this time. We will let you know when a new vocalist has been revealed.

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